Akamai Connected Cloud Architecture Cloud Linux Open Source

Building your IT landscape on Akamai Connected Cloud – Part 1 – INTRO

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Part 1 – Intro

Part 2 – Defining the project


These blog post series will serve as an example on how to utilize Akamai Connected Cloud to build and run your company’s IT landscape.

In the series we will cover everything from infrastructure design, building the infrastructure using modern IaaC tools, to management and monitoring.

After going through the infrastructure part, we will shift focus on building our application’s build and deployment pipelines.

As a final part of the series, we will round it up with security tooling


  • Define the project
  • Write down requirements
  • Build infrastructure diagrams
  • Build the infrastructure
    • Terraform for IaaC
    • Ansible/Puppet/Chef for configuration management (TBD)
    • Core infrastructure
    • Management infrastructure
    • Monitoring infrastructure
    • Build/deployment infrastructure
  • Build pipelines
  • Security tooling
  • Management lifecycle
  • Modernize

What is Akamai Connected Cloud?

Akamai Connected Cloud delivers enterprise-grade, cloud-based solutions at scale around the globe. Akamai’s cloud computing services place compute, storage, database, and other services closer to your customers, key industries, and IT centers. 

This means developers can focus on coding while Akamai handles the infrastructure, placing your workloads according to your needs and delivering apps where and when your users want them. Our aggressive egress pricing is designed to bring CDN-like economics to cloud data transfer, offering significantly discounted rates compared with other cloud providers, helping you maximize your cloud ROI.

Build, deploy, and secure performant workloads

Akamai Connected Cloud is a continuum of compute from core to edge, paired with our security, CDN, and 24/7/365 support. This will enable you to more efficiently build, deploy, and secure performant workloads that require single-digit millisecond latency and global reach. 

And with Linode’s developer-friendly DNA, you’ll find it simpler to deploy distributed applications. Developers will be able to use these capabilities for applications, workloads, and use cases that haven’t been imagined yet.

Which cloud services are available in Akamai Connected Cloud?

  • Compute
    • Shared CPU virtual machines
    • Dedicated CPU virtual machines
    • LKE – Managed Kubernetes
  • Storage
    • Block storage
    • Object Storage
  • Managed services & one click clusters
    • MySQL
    • PostegreSQL
    • Redis
    • MongoDB
  • Networking
    • Load balancer
    • Cloud firewall
    • VLAN
    • DNS Manager
    • DDoS Protection
  • Delivery
    • Adaptive Media
    • Download Delivery
    • Ion
    • Global Traffic
  • Security
    • Guardicore
    • Kona Site Defender
    • App & API Protector
    • Bot Manager
    • Account Protector
    • EAA

Stay tuned for the next post where we will start defining our project and scope down the requirements.


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Senior Cloud Architect at Akamai