Month: June 2024

Powershell module for Linode – Akamai Connected Cloud

Even though I consider myself as being “platform-agnostic”, I originally come from a Microsoft side of the industry and because of that I had a lot of exposure to PowerShell. After a relatively steep learning curve, I realized that PowerShell…

Deploying a GLOBAL sentiment Analysis service using DeepSparse and Akamai Connected Cloud

In the previous post, we explored how to deploy a sentiment analysis application using Neural Magic’s DeepSparse on Akamai Connected Cloud (Linode). We leveraged just two dual-core VMs and a Nodebalancer to process a pretty impressive number(40K) of movie reviews…

Easy way to deploy Linode instances across all (core) regions using Terraform

In preparations for a upcoming blog post related to running AI workloads on Akamai Connected Cloud, I needed to deploy instances in all available Linode regions. Since there’s no way that I’ll manually create a list of regions, I thought…