
Powershell module for Linode – Akamai Connected Cloud

Even though I consider myself as being “platform-agnostic”, I originally come from a Microsoft side of the industry and because of that I had a lot of exposure to PowerShell. After a relatively steep learning curve, I realized that PowerShell…

Deploying a GLOBAL sentiment Analysis service using DeepSparse and Akamai Connected Cloud

In the previous post, we explored how to deploy a sentiment analysis application using Neural Magic’s DeepSparse on Akamai Connected Cloud (Linode). We leveraged just two dual-core VMs and a Nodebalancer to process a pretty impressive number(40K) of movie reviews…

Deploying HarperDB Docker container on Linode VM using Terraform and cloud-init

This blog post is a small update to the excellent post guys from HarperDB wrote – Since Linode now support cloud-init and metadata service, I decided to extend their example by using cloud-init to do the installation of Docker…

From zero to WordPress in less than 2 minutes on Linode using cloud-init and/or Terraform

Yeah, it’s true. You can get a fully running VM with installed MySQL, Apache, PHP and WordPress configured in less than 2 minutes! 1:58 to be exact 🙂 Ok, what is cloud-init in the first place? Cloud-init is a widely…

How to deploy a DHCP server in a Linode VLAN

When a VLAN is assigned to a network interface and given an IPAM address, the Compute Instance should automatically be able to communicate over that private network. This is due to Network Helper, which is enabled by default on most instances….

Installing and configuring 2FA enabled web managed access solution (jumphost) to any infrastructure deployed on Akamai Connected Cloud Compute – part 2

In previous post, we deployed our Cockpit server which we will use as a jump host/tunnel. For us to actually start using the solution, we need to do a few things: Creating users Creating users is extremely easy doing Cockpit;…

Building your IT landscape on Akamai Connected Cloud – Part 2 – Defining the project

Related posts Part 1 – Intro Part 2 – this post Welcome to the second part of the “Building your IT landscape on Akamai Connected Cloud” series. In this post we will define the basic scenario and requirements for our…

Installing and configuring 2FA enabled web managed access solution (jumphost) to any infrastructure deployed on Akamai Connected Cloud Compute – part 1

First, let’s start by defining what a “jumphost” is. Jumphost is nothing more than a server or a collection of servers whose only purpose is to provide a single entry point to different segments of your infrastructure. A typical configuration…